Our Faithful Companions, Our Partners, Our Border Collies.

If you ever visit the farm the very first greeting you will get is from our gate keepers, the Border Collie family. Gypsy and Jock, together with their son and daughter Rocky and Meg, keep the sheep well in hand and it would be anarchy here without them. They oversee every person who comes and goes while keeping a watchful and most competent eye on the sheep. They are our four footed family, friends, and employees all wrapped in one furry, friendly bundle of energy. Our lives would be so empty without their devoted company. Each has their strengths and weaknesses when working the flock for us but with teamwork, cooperation, and a mutual understanding of our limitations they get each days tasks done.

From time to time, Mother Nature intercedes in our well laid plans for an orderly life and the result is…PUPPIES. Yes, the most perfect wonderful thing in the world is a box full of bouncing fluffy Border Collie pups! We indulge them to excess like the frustrated grandparents we are but the time comes when we have to face up to the fact that they can’t stay with us forever…they need homes, farms, and families of their own so they can each reach their full potential.

That’s when the sleepless nights start… for these darlings are more like grandchildren than dare I say “dogs” and I must be sure they are going into the best possible homes. Its a heavy burden for me. So yes, we sometimes do have pups for sale but only to the right loving home with adequate space for a full and rich life. Our dogs are high energy working dogs and come with a wiring harness that does not allow for long hours of aimless leisure. Like all highly intelligent beings, they need to be given jobs and a purpose in life or they will suffer…as will the house!

Whew! 2021 is starting out full of puppies! We have two litters…mother and daughter, Gypsy and Meg. Both talented working dogs. Gypsy has three pups, all females. Meg had twelve, yes twelve….six females and six males. All have had their first shots and are ready to go! $400. apiece. The best money you will ever spend on a lifelong friend. More pictures and details upon request but here are a few....

Little “Mouse”  Cute as a button and the happiest soul we have ever met!

Little “Mouse” Cute as a button!

The Handsome “Houdini”

The Handsome “Houdini”

The Blue Eyed Wonder “Biscuit”

The Blue Eyed Wonder “Biscuit”